After neglecting this blog for quite sometime (working two jobs, planning a wedding, getting married and moving-whew!) I've decided to start it up again. TDH is deployed AGAIN and I thought this would be a great way to reach out to others who are going through the same things I am. I'm planning on changing up the blog a bit a giving it more of a "military wife/fiance/girlfriend survival guide" based on what I've experienced so far. Don't worry about feeling left out if you're not a part of the military world! There will be plenty of posts about clothes, makeup, food, etc. (you know, the important stuff j/k) to keep you interested.
Let's start off with this past weekend....Friday I had dinner with my in-laws and we visited some of their family, including the most adorable little toddler in the world. Seriously, she makes me want to get pregnant STAT even though I'm nowhere NEAR wanting to have bambinos yet. Saturday was spent with a fellow military wife and it included lunch at The Cheesecake Factory, mani/pedis and lots of shopping. I bought 2 pairs of ballet flats, a lipstick from MAC and a few other things. My proudest purchase of the day had to be the ankle boots I got at Express for $5. Yes, you read that right, $5! They were on sale for $9.99 plus an additional 40% and military discount (10%) bringing my total to $5. Just FYI- Express and The Limited give military discounts, all you have to do is show your military id! Even with the discount, my wallet was still lighter than I would have preferred. I keep telling myself that the things I bought were essentials, stuff I'd been needing for awhile. Which is true, but I still felt a little bad about it. I don't think I will though once cooler weather hits and I actually have shoes other than sandals to wear. Sunday was rainy, so I did some work for my job, baked brownies and then got Pizza Hut (I know, bad) and watched Gossip Girl on Style. I just got into GG this year, so I'm trying to catch up on all the old episodes.
Hope ya'll had great weekends!
P.S. I just realized after typing what I ate this weekend (Cheesecake Factory was the only meal for the day other than some yogurt and fruit) that ya'll may be thinking I'm now the size of a house. I was really bad about my food this weekend, but made a quiona vegetarian dish (I'm not a vegetarian btw) for dinner tonight and have a few more quiona dishes planned for the rest of the week. It's ok to be bad on the weekends, right?