Tuesday, February 1, 2011

101 in 1001...Finally!

So as I mentioned before, I came up with a 101 in 1001 list that will be completed on September 27, 2013- 2.75 years from now. Basically, you choose 101 things that you want to accomplish and set out to do them in 1001 days (duh!).I like to think of this as a short term "bucket list" and a great way to actually do all of the things I'm always saying I want to do. Along with my list I'm going to write at the beginning of my journal a blurb about where I hope to be in 2.75 years. I think it'll be neat to read it at the end of this project to see how much progress (hopefully a lot!) I made. Here's my list (yes, I do realize there are only 89 tasks, I wanted them to be tasks that had meaning instead of something just to fill a place. As I come up with more items I'll add them in. Some of these tasks are ones I liked from other blogs and the day zero project website):

1. Buy a new Bible.
2. Pray more.
3. Personal.

4.Make an effort to stay in contact with G, A, and As    
   - Call at least once a month: G (   /23), A (  /23), As (  /23)
   - E-mail/Facebook/Text twice a month: G (  /46), A (  /46), As (  /46)

5. See Mrs. Brenda each time I come into town.
6. Send out Christmas cards to all my friends each year.
7. Send one handwritten letter a month for 6 months.
8. Write at least 5 praise/encouraging letters to people.
9. Host a bridal or baby shower.
Good Stewardship
10. Use my water bottle instead of plastic/Styrofoam   containers.
11. Become actively involved in a political issue and rally for it.
12. Volunteer time for an election.
13. Find an organization to volunteer with and volunteer at least once a month.
14. Vote in all elections which I am eligible for.
15. Write to Congressman about an issue that
      concerns me.
16. Write 2 letters commending excellent service.
17. Read all of Emily Post’s Etiquette.
18. Take piano lessons.
19. Take a cooking class.
20. Attend an opera.
21. Try out 6 new recipes in 6 months.
22. Learn how to shoot a gun and become licensed.
23. Learn a new language.
24. Plant a potted herb garden. 
25. Take a wine tasting class and find a wine I like.
26. Cross-stitch a handkerchief for TDH.
27. Take ballroom dancing lessons.

28. Personal.
29. Go see a financial planner.
30. Don’t eat out for a month.
31. Clean out closet and take clothes to a consignment shop.
32. Follow plan for saving for wedding.
33. Put savings left over from wedding towards travel, savings or invest it.
34. Check World Points tally from credit card monthly.
Health and Recreation
35. Go kayaking.
36. Play tennis once a week for a month
37. Go camping.
38. Exercise 3 times a week for 3 months.
39. Buy weights to use at work.
40. Eat healthy for a month.
41. Make a list of  10 healthy snacks and make them  ahead of time so preparing them isn’t an excuse.
42. Drink 8 glasses of water a day for 2 months.
43. Don’t eat fast food for a month.
 Personal Challenges
44. Finish crocheting one of the millions of scarves I’ve started.
45. Write all of friends, contacts, etc. in address book.
46. Put pictures on CD’s and organize them.
47. Personal.
48. Comment on at least 2 blogs once a week.
49. Personal.
50. Personal.
51. Take calcium everyday for 3 months.
52. Bloom where I am planted.

Self- Improvement 
53. Take the GMAT.
54. Get my MBA.
55. Have tailor-made suit.  
56. Whiten teeth.
57. Get a facial.
58. Learn to drive a stick shift.
59. Read 3 business books.

60. Read 2 books on a historical event or person.
61. Read 2 books on a religion or country.
62. Improve communication skills.

63. Go to a concert of a major performing artist.
64. See Maroon 5 in concert.
65. Personal.
65. Throw a dinner party.
66. Pick blueberries at a blueberry farm and make something with them.
67. Do a corn maze.
68. Go to a mullet toss.
69. Personal.
70. Personal
71. Host an “al fresco” dinner.
72. Go to Mall Ball.

73. Go to Las Vegas.
74. Go to NYC to see the lighting of the Christmas tree.
75. Ring in the New Year with TDH at Disney World.

76. Send TDH a care package once a month.
77. Put all of China pictures in albums.
78. Personal.
79. Personal.
80. Clean room/bathroom for 1 hour each weekend until I move.
81. Keep car clean– get washed and clean out every 2 weeks.
82. Hang my diploma.
83. Figure out how to get all of my itunes songs back so I can download more music to my ipod.
84. Identify 100 things that make me happy.
85. Learn to identify 10 constellations.
 86. Listen to a new artist every day for a month.
87.Take a vitamin everyday for a month.
88. Go tailgating at a Gators game.
89. Host a football party.

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