I love reading everyone's "confessional" posts so I decided to link up with Leslie at A Blonde Ambition and try it myself.
I confess.....
1. After almost a year of being married, I still have to think about my name before I introduce myself to people, say or write my name,etc. so I don't say my maiden name instead of my married one. Oops...
2. I cannot believe TDH and I have been married for almost a year! Where has the time gone?!!? It'll be October next week and it seems like this month has flown by. I'm not complaining though, that means we're that much closer to TDH's return. Yippee!!!!!
3. I spent most of Wednesday sleeping. I only got up to take a care package for my husband to the post office. You're welcome TDH. I could feel the sinus junk coming on and knew I had a busy day at work ahead of me for Thursday. So I rested and tried to nip it in the bud before it got too much worse. So I just lied to you and my hubby- I just cam back from sending his box- too sick to do it Wednesday. It ended up being a good thing since a shirt he ordered and one of his magazines came in the mail yesterday. He wasn't too mad......
4. I don't have the heart to change my current table ceterpiece to a fall one yet. My current one includes a tea set and vase that TDH brought back when he was home for a week in July. Just seeing it on my table makes me smile and think of him and the fun week we had. And maybe if I wish really really hard, he'll come walking through the door in the afternoon home from work (only 2 more months!!!). Disclaimer: I know this probably sounds silly or weird to non-military people and even maybe military people.
why yes, that is a picture of a dogfight with an aircraft carrier on the wall- working on getting that in the guest room.....
5. I had a really hard time getting into the fall spirit this year. I'm pretty sure it was the 1,000+ degree weather with humidity to match that was the issue. I finally started to feel it after making the Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese and Carmel Apple cake that I talked about
here. I also stepped outside while the scent of carmel apple was wafting through my kitchen to realize it was kind of chilly out. That played a huge factor in my change in attitude.
6. The cooler weather has given me renewed energy. Seriously, I don't even know who this person is. I'm really happy all the time and have tons of energy. Nothing in particular has happened to change this either. I find myself feeling really blessed as of late. Even TDH has noticed the difference and kept asking me jokingly if I'd taken drugs or something because I have been bouncing off the walls while we've been Skyping. This summer heat was brutal. As in, I was taking a 3 hour nap every afternoon even if all I had done was step outside for 2 seconds. Pathetic, I know.
7. I cannot wait for my friend A to have her babies! I'm really interested to see what they'll look like. I'm sure they'll be adorable.
8. On that same note, I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that her husband can make it home in time for the birth. We have a lot of pregnant wives (a lot of firstborns too), so they are trying to send the husbands back for a week or two so they can be there for the birth. I may or may not have told Daniel to volunteer to say on deployment longer if it meant A's husband will get to come home for the birth even though I'm pretty sure that's not how it works hahaha.
That's all I have for now. Hope everyone has a great weekend!